
October 31, 2013


Writer is a WriterT of ID:

type Writer[W, A] = WriterT[ID, W, A]

WriterT of F wraps a pair of some value A and some "writeable" W:

case class WriterT[F[_], W, A](run: F[(A, W)])

The monad for WriterT requires that F has a monad, and W has a semigroup:

implicit def writerTMonad[F[_]: Monad, W: Monoid]: Monad[[A] =>> WriterT[F,W,A]] =
  new Monad[[A] =>> WriterT[F,W,A]]:

    override def pure[A](x: A): WriterT[F, W, A] =
      WriterT(implicitly[Monad[F]].pure((x, implicitly[Monoid[W]].mempty)))

    override def flatMap[A, B](ma: WriterT[F, W, A])(f: A => WriterT[F, W, B]): WriterT[F, W, B] =
      import Monad.MonadOps
      import Semigroup.SemigroupOps
        ma.run.flatMap { case (a, w1) =>
          f(a).run.map { case (b, w2) =>
            (b, w1 <> w2)



Printing to standard output might be one of the earliest debugging techniques we discover. We write a program, sprinkle some println statements here and there, and get to see the program's runtime state. I still occasionally find myself reaching for this technique to get basic runtime inspection of a program. Sometimes this takes the form of a logging framework, but often it's just plain old printing to the screen.

It can be hard to correlate log messages with program state, and even harder to manage consistency in logging behavior across development, testing, and production environments. Fortunately, the writer monad offers a way out of this bind - we can have our logging and maintain referential transparency too!

Let's start with a side-effectey example. Consider the following arithmetic functions:

val add: Int => Int => Int =
  x => y => x + y

val mult: Int => Int => Int =
  x => y => x * y

val div: Int => Int => Option[Double] =
  x => y => if (y == 0) None else Some(x.toDouble / y)

val parse: String => Option[Int] =
  x => try { Some(x.toInt) } catch { case t: Throwable => None }

The add and mult functions both take two integers and produce another integer. The div and parse functions, which can fail (since they're only partially defined over their domains), both produce an Option of a number.

We can string these functions together, taking advantage of Option's map and flatMap functions, to perform a compound operation:

  x1 <- parse("42")
  x2  = mult(x1)(2)
  x3  = add(x2)(42)
  x4 <- div(x3)(3)
yield x4 // Some(42.0)

We can also interleave some debugging statements using println:

  x1 <- parse("42")
   _  = println("x1: " + x1) // prints "x1: 42"
  x2  = mult(x1)(2)
   _  = println("x2: " + x2) // prints "x2: 84"
  x3  = add(x2)(42)
   _  = println("x3: " + x3) // prints "x3: 126"
  x4 <- div(x3)(3)
   _  = println("x4: " + x4) // prints "x4: 42.0"
yield x4 // Some(42.0)

But we want to avoid both the side-effect of printing, and the dissociation of the result data from the log messages.

Let's build a special logging data structure that, when composed with Option instances, allows us to keep the same shape of our for comprehension, but return the log (along with the final result) as a sequence of log messages:

case class LogOption[A](val run: Option[(A, Seq[String])])

implicit val logOptionMonad: Monad[LogOption] =
  new Monad[LogOption]:

    override def pure[A](x: A): LogOption[A] =
      LogOption(Some(x, Nil))

    override def flatMap[A, B](
        ma: LogOption[A]
    )(f: A => LogOption[B]): LogOption[B] =
      import Monad.MonadOps
        ma.run.flatMap { case (a, l) =>
          f(a).run.map { case (b, l2) =>
            (b, l ++ l2)

def logOption[A](x: Option[A]): LogOption[A] =
  LogOption(x.map(a => (a, Nil)))

def logOption(x: String): LogOption[Unit] =
  LogOption(Some(((), Seq(x))))

The LogOption class wraps an optional pair of a result plus a log. This could be as simple as:

Some((42.0, List("returning 42.0")))

The LogOption class specifies how (via map) to apply a function to its result type, as well as how (via flatMap) to compose itself with a function thet returns another LogOption.

We can use it with only minor modification to the code above:

val x5 =
  import Monad.MonadOps
    x1 <- logOption(parse("42"))
    _ <- logOption("x1: " + x1)
    x2 = mult(x1)(2)
    _ <- logOption("x2: " + x2)
    x3 = add(x2)(42)
    _ <- logOption("x3: " + x3)
    x4 <- logOption(div(x3)(3))
    _ <- logOption("x4: " + x4)
  yield x4

println(s"x5: ${x5.run}") // prints "x5: Some((42.0,List(x1: 42, x2: 84, x3: 126, x4: 42.0)))"

Now we have a way to compose functions that return raw integers and Options of integers, while building up a queue of log messages. Nothing is written to standard output, no external state is altered, and in fact the code isn't even executed until it is initiated with an empty log via x.run(Nil).

It turns out that LogOption is a specialization of the writer monad transformer:

type LogT[F[_], A] = WriterT[F, Seq[String], A]

def logT[F[_]: Monad, A](x: F[A]): LogT[F, A] =
  import Monad.MonadOps
  new LogT(x.map(a => (a, Nil)))

def log(x: Option[String]): LogT[Option, Unit] =
  new LogT(Some(((), x.toSeq)))

def log(x: String): LogT[Option, Unit] =
  new LogT(Some(((), Seq(x))))
val x6 =
  import Monad.MonadOps
    x1 <- logOption(parse("42"))
    _ <- logOption("x1: " + x1)
    x2 = mult(x1)(2)
    _ <- logOption("x2: " + x2)
    x3 = add(x2)(42)
    _ <- logOption("x3: " + x3)
    x4 <- logOption(div(x3)(3))
    _ <- logOption("x4: " + x4)
  yield x4

println(s"x6: ${x6.run}") // prints "x6: Some((42.0,List(x1: 42, x2: 84, x3: 126, x4: 42.0)))"


This file is literate Scala, and can be run using Codedown:

$ curl \
    https://earldouglas.com/type-classes/applicative.md \
    https://earldouglas.com/type-classes/functor.md \
    https://earldouglas.com/type-classes/id.md \
    https://earldouglas.com/type-classes/monad.md \
    https://earldouglas.com/type-classes/monoid.md \
    https://earldouglas.com/type-classes/semigroup.md \
    https://earldouglas.com/type-classes/writer.md |
  codedown scala |
  scala-cli -q --scala 3.1.3 _.sc
x1: 42
x2: 84
x3: 126
x4: 42.0
x5: Some((42.0,List(x1: 42, x2: 84, x3: 126, x4: 42.0)))
x6: Some((42.0,List(x1: 42, x2: 84, x3: 126, x4: 42.0)))