Single-Serving Values in Scala with Linear Types

James Earl Douglas

August 29, 2021

What are linear types?

Linear types ensure that values are "used" exactly once. More on this later.

val x = 0
val y = 1
val z = 2

Why are linear types interesting?

Enforcing single-usage can prevent certain kinds of runtime errors.

Spot the bug

for {
  x <- Some(6)
  y <- Some(7)
  x <- Some(8)
} yield x * y

Which x is which?

for {
  x <- Some(6) // x = 6
  y <- Some(7) // y = 7
  x <- Some(8) // x = 8
} yield x * y

Illuminating shadows

How can we catch this shadowing bug at compile time?

Make it linear

for {
  x <- Some(6.asInstanceOf[Int with Linear])
  y <- Some(7.asInstanceOf[Int with Linear])
  x <- Some(8.asInstanceOf[Int with Linear])
} yield x * y

The Linear interface comes from linear-scala.

Make it linear

for {
  x <- Some(6.asInstanceOf[Int with Linear])
//^ error: [LinearTypes] x is never used
  y <- Some(7.asInstanceOf[Int with Linear])
  x <- Some(8.asInstanceOf[Int with Linear])
} yield x * y

Defining linear types

Linear types ensure that values are used exactly once.

What does "used" mean?

Linear types in linear-scala

For our purposes, "used" simply means "dereferenced".

val foo = "foo"
println(foo) // first dereference
println(foo) // second dereference

Linear types in general

Other definitions, such as Linear Haskell, are more sophisticated.

f :: A -o B

Implementing linear types in Scala

We can write custom linting rules with Scalafix to access to our code's AST through the Scalameta Trees API.

For implementation, see LinearTypes.scala in linear-scala.

Common use cases

For examples, see input/src/main/scala/fix/ in linear-scala.


Linear types can help us write code with fewer bugs.

